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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the.information contained therein.

Project No:2012-1-PT1-GRU06-12077 2

The Vocational and Technical School Fialho de Almeida, in Vidigueira, is developing an European Project - Grundtvig_Partnerships Program, for 2 years, which will involve several mobilities of teachers and students. The partners' goal is to increase an european cooperatation regarding adult education, within an informal environment, through a lifelong learning context.   


   There are 5 institutions, from 5 different countries, taking part in this european partnership: EPFA, from Portugal; HERMES COMUNITAS 2007, from Romania; Susehri Directorate of National Education, from Turkey; ISTITUTO PROFESSIONALE DI STATO G. DE GEMMIS, from Italy; and Ländliche Erwachsnenbildung Niedersachsen e. V., from Germany.
The Project has great importance and value within adult education area as 2012 is the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations.
   With this Project the partners intend to promote and share good practice among adult population, within health education, as well as design different leisure activities to function as hobbies.  
Therefore our main goals are to develop adult people's health and well-being, people aged 45 years old and more, with lower education, retired or unemployed, to bring awareness towards the importance of physical exercise as a way to prevent diseases, to promote healthy and active habits in order to achieve better health, social and civic competences, to help adult people face the ageing challenge in a conscientious, active and responsible way.
   In order to achieve the proposed goals there will be prepared several activities, for the 2 years of the Project, which will include gym lessons and physiotherapy sessions as important tools to prevent physical and mental illness, English lessons, ICT lessons, meetings and debate sessions with experts from different areas. We will also promote sessions in which the learners will be able to share experiences among them, to strengthen their interpersonal bonds, avoiding social isolation. The participants will be stimulated to use social nets in order to facilitate their learning process and to help them improve their social and cultural life.  
We are also determined to gradually involve the learners in different social activities, especially the ones older than 45 years old, so that they can successfully prevent mental and physical diseases and deal with the ones they have already developed. We also want them to learn a foreign language, English, and develop their ICT competences, in order to motivate informal learning and make it possible for them to learn by themselves. Thus we plan to use new organizational methods and pedagogical approaches specific for the elderly.   

  Through this European partnership we believe we will be able to get to know each other better as partners, by sharing knowledge and competences, learning about all the different cultures and traditions and observing different ways of working. We will promote an active integration and inspire respect for different cultures, as well as encourage communication between people from different countries, widening all the participants' horizons and expectations.

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